4Point Learning Systems Inc.

Case Examination Preparation Program



Registration Instructions

Mail to: 

4Point Learning Systems Inc.

10407 - 40 Avenue

Edmonton, AB  

T6J 6L1


REGISTRATION FORM (Please print and mail)


May 2009


Please specify Media - Note DVDs will only play in a computer

¨  DVD

¨  CD

Last Name


First Name & Initial


Street Address


City / Town


Postal Code


Telephone Residence

(           )

Telephone Business

(           )


(           )


(           )

E-Mail Address


Student Signature


1) I have read and understood all the conditions regarding our refund policy (please see below).

Please initial________.

2) In order to receive an invitation to attend the residential session  I MUST submit ALL assignments.

Please initial__________.


Downloadable Registration here => Registration Form.pdf

Please include a cheque for the full amount (payable to 4Point Learning Systems Inc.) with your registration.   Payment must be received in full or you will not be registered.

Non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal, students must notify Gary Biggs at (780) 448-9221

The total fee is $995 plus GST payable with your registration ($795 plus GST for those that have taken the Entrance Examination Preparation session through 4Point Learning Systems Inc.)

Registration fees are non refundable.

We reserve the right to cancel Preparation Sessions due to insufficient enrollment.


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